So whose job is it to help build this emerging world civilization? Lets discuss this question further after the jump.
We have come to the conclusion that there are two parallel processes happening in the world. The first being the disintegration of a fragmented old world; the second being the crystallization of a world civilization. One type of disintegration which is occurring is
Social Disintegration. Social Disintegration occurs when there is a breakdown of traditional social support structures, this leads to a decline in the ability of a society to provide for its inhabitants and an increase in fragmentation, which we discussed in more detail
Social Structures are disintegrating around the world. |
Let us now take a closer look at one of the statements in our text: "...dispensing blame to various components of the world system is a futile exercise". There are many ideas contained within this statement, the first of which is
"dispensing blame". To dispense something means to hand out, or to give something to someone. And to blame of course is to place responsibility for a problem onto someone or something. It is a typical response when we see something wrong to want to blame whatever we think is the cause of the problem. So what or who are the
"various components" that might be having blame dispensed to them? The list is quite long, and you could probably even add more to it: capitalism, communism, the military, international corporations, the uneducated masses, the school system, the established churches, the politicians, the clergy, the left, the right, the conservatives, the liberals, the welfare system, overpopulation, and you will often even hear blame placed on "human nature".
Blaming others for society's problems is not a useful way to spend our energy. |
So what does it mean when we say that dispensing blame to these various groups is a
"futile exercise"? Futile is a word used to describe an action that has no useful result. So an exercise which is futile would be an action that has no effect and is not successful. Therefore, by spending our energy blaming these various components we are taking an action that will in the end produce no useful result. What should we do instead? We should try to
"seek viable solutions". If something is "viable" it means that it will work successfully. It is safe to suggest, therefore, that a viable solution may have many parts to it and be very complex in structure.
It should be stated that by saying that dispensing blame is futile, this does not mean that we now say that any one of these "various components" is "free of blame". We also should not think that it is not important to study what has happened in history that has caused society to develop into what it is today. What this does mean is that we should resist the urge to try to find simplistic answers to complex problems and instead put energy into finding solutions which work.
Blaming one entity or group of people for the rise of the cost of energy is an example of seeking a simplistic answer to a complex problem.
So then, who is going to find these "viable" solutions? Who is going to do the research, to give the education, to create, to inspire...all necessary elements of bringing positive change to the world? The answer is that everybody on this planet has a part to play. We all share the responsibility to bring the change needed to help build this world civilization. Some have called it a
"duty thrust upon us by history". What does this phrase mean?
Pre-independent India is an example of a geographic area of the world before it had evolved socially into a unified nation. |
If we think of the social evolution of humanity, we can come to a greater understanding of this phrase. There is an entire field dedicated to the study of social development and within this field there are
several theories which have been created in order to try to understand the social evolution of humanity. If we paint in broad strokes we can see how humanity has come through many stages. At one time our social structure was a few family units. Then we expanded a bit to be made up of villages. We then progressed to city structures, later regional boarders and now we are living in the era of states and nations. We have progressed over thousands of years from relatively small groups of unified people to progressively larger and larger unified structures. The next logical step after a world made up of nations is a unified world civilization. This is the step of social evolution which has been "thrust" upon us at this moment in time. What do you feel, are we ready for this responsibility? And if so, what are the signs that we are? Assuming that we are ready, how can we make sure that as a group we won't be manipulated by those who lack values, or who are greedy? Please give your thoughts in the comments below.
After 1947 India became a unified nation. |
In conclusion, It does not provide any useful effect to blame any one component of society for the disintegration which society is currently experiencing. We should instead seek solutions which are viable. We are all responsible for helping to seek these solutions, as this is a duty which has been thrust upon us by history. The moment in time in which we are living is a unique time in the social evolution of humanity, we are in the stage where we are evolving from a world made up of many competing nations to a unified global society. Join us soon for when we discuss how we should redefine the word
Historical circumstance has given each of us a role to play in helping to build a global civilization. |
Such a lucid development of the theme ! Most students would love the step by step approach :-)
ReplyDeleteThaddeus, you rock!